Videoporama (Ex Images2dv-gui)
Last news
08/02/2011 : End of development of Videoporama. A new project called ffDiaporama has been released by Domledom (who contributed on Vidoporama last year). This project is very similar to Videoporama but written in C++ instead of Python. the first public released is now available, so Videoporama is not needed anymore. I recommand you to have a look at this new software, available here : ffdiaporama.
05/09/2011 : A new source package is available to correct a bug on linux version. This new package is available here : source package . The original 0.8.2 package is still available but shouldn't be use anymore.
05/07/2011 : Version 0.8.2 available. The direct link to download are available in the download section.
04/15/2011 : Version 0.8.2-BETA available for testing. The final version 0.8.2 will be published when all bugs will be solved. Thanks to deply test this version and inform me of all bugs (via forum or by e-mail). The links :
02/18/2011 : A .deb package of version 0.8.1 is now available to download. In fact, it's the ubuntu package which is in the repository of the next release of ubuntu (11.04), but it works perfectly on ubuntu 10.10 (Maverick). For the ubuntu users, beware that it's really necessary to activate the medibuntu repository to have Videoporama fully operational.
02/14/2011 : Eureka ! The very anoying bug with sound montage is now over. This bug has been seen frequently on the windows version (not the portable one). A new installer has been uploaded on the website (same link as before). The portable version has been also updated (preventlly).
02/07/2011 : Videoporama "Linux" seems to work correctly now (Beware, the image rotation function need the "pyexiv2" dependency installed), but a major bug has been found on the windows version (Non systematic error !). Because of that, a new windows installer has been uploaded this evening (Same link as before) and a new portable for windows version too.
01/31/2011 : Oups !!! There are some mistake in the installation file ( which cause a blocking error during installation from source. It's better download the new package (which replace the original one - sended this evening) with all corrections. Thanks to the persons who send me an e-mail to warn me. The source package is updated.
01/30/2011 : The Videoporama 0.8.1 release is out !!! The full sources are available here (Works under Linux, BSD, ... POSIX, Windows and Mac but require the installation of all dependencies manually). The Windows installer with all dependencies included is available here and the portable version here.
The main news are :
- Add possibilities to include videos in montage
- New sound interface (multi track)
- Add new luma transitions
- Bugs fixes and diverses improvements
Videoporma is completelly translated in french, english and italian, partially in spanish. If someone wants to complete this translation or propose a new language to include, contact me.
08/19/2010 : After receiving many bugs reports from windows version users, we remake the installation windows file (with dependencies). Of course we previously correcxts many reported bugs. This new windows installer is available on download page.
07/28/2010 : The .deb package initially uploaded was corrupted. Since today, the corrected package is available on the videoporama download space (same link as before).
07/24/2010 : The new version of videoporrama (0.8) is now available. From this release, beside the improvements on the software itself, we wanted to make it more easy to install. For this reason, beside the source package (distutils), a pre-compiled package for Debian / Ubuntu (.deb) is also available as well as 2 differents installer for windows platforms (Tested on WinXP and Win7). The forum is still available to have some help. We wish that the new functionnalities in this release will be appreciated.
07/19/2010 : The documentation of new version 0.8 is now available on the website by following this link. If anybody is volunteer to translate or improves it, let us know by leaving a message on the forum.
07/15/2010 : The next videoporama version is almost ready (It miss the documentation update, the translations and one bug non c ritic to correct). A .deb package for Debian and Ubuntu (Karmic and Lucid) (Same package) of beta version (0.7.99) is available here. Please, try it and tell us the finded bugs on the forum.
07/02/2010 : Here's a new video with explaination of new functionnalities
07/01/2010 : The new release of videoporama (0.8) will be out in 15 days. This release is coming with a lot of new functionnalities. To see it in action, here's a demo ... enjoy :) .
06/02/2010 : Since few weeks a new developper works on Videoporama with me (Dominique Levray), and he's full of ideas ! Beside this good news, I also open a forum to help users and to leave the possibility to make some suggestions / requests. Feel free to use it.
01/02/2010 : Happy new year 2010
I received some questions about "how to make videoporama work on my linux distribution ?" and the answers where very similar ... Lot's of problem come from dependencies problems.
Videoporama depends of ffmpeg, sox which are often distributed in "limited version" (because of some legal restrictions in some countries). For example, to make it works correctly on ubuntu (and derivated) you'll need to install libavcodec-unstripped-5x, libavformat-unstripped-5x and libsox-fmt-all packages to add support of mpeg, wav, h264, ... on ffmpeg and sox.
I hope those infomations will help you if you have problems.
10/03/2009 : Thanks to Paolo Zilotti, he wrote an Italian user's guide for the version 0.7.6 of Videoporama. His user's guide is available here.
I also take this opportunity to inform you that the developpment version of Videoporama (svn version) can work on both POSIX and Win32 (Maybe win 64, I don't know ???) platforms. In my previous news, I told you that the minor adaptation to make it work on Win32 should be done fastly ... It was the case but only on the svn version. I don't have any experience to build an exe package of Videoporama, so I'll not build an exe package even if it's possible. If someone is interrested in build an exe package of Videoporama, I'll make it available on this site.
Actually, I'm not busy on Videoporama because I also work on EKD project (in which I've included Videoporama as new function -> Only in the svn version which will be the next 2.0 version).07/14/2009 : Release 0.7.6 of Videoporama. This version is usable on POSIX system. Almost on Win32 system but there is somemore correction to do (in few days).
07/10/2009 : How to add new luma transition ? For that, you just need to add luma images files (greyscale images) in the /luma directory located in the installation directory of videoporama (Usually in /usr/share/videoporama). The luma images are compatibles with those used by KDEnLive. Additional luma images are available here. Thanks to Nicolas who gave me the info.
05/24/2009 : Thanks to Chris Clayton, he gaves me some usefull patch. All those one were included in 0.7.5 version
05/20/2009 : Thanks to Redy Rodriguez, he makes the spanich translation of videoporama. This file is available in the source file of development version. To use it, you only need to copy the videoporama_es.qm file in the locale directory of videoporama.
04/20/2009 : Thanks to Lino Fantasia, he makes the italian translation of videoporama. This file is available in the source file of development version. To use it, you only need to copy the videoporama_it.qm file in the locale directory of videoporama.
03/09/2009 : The full sources of the development version are also available in one tra.gz archive. To test it, you have to uncompress the tar.gz file, go to the created folder and start videoporama with this command : $ videoporama -l
03/01/2009 : The full sources of the development version are now available on this site (See link below). The development version include already an interface to configure images in serie. This versionis also the first one which can run on Windows without code modification (With portable option activated only).
To make run Videoporama on windows, it's necessary to install following programs first :
- Python
- Qt and PyQt
- Python Image Library
- MJpegTools (Fichier mjpegtools-1.9.0-mingw-bin.tar.bz2 à extraire avec 7zip sous Windows)
- ffmpeg
- SoX
- MPlayer (Optionnal, for "preview" function)
All those programs are available on Windows platforms, free of charges and under free licence (Usually GPL V2 or LGPL)