Translate Videoporama in your own language
General information
Videoporama is multilingue ... their developper less
Actualy, the graphical user interface of Videoporama is in English (Probably not perfect, but understandable I think). There's translation more or less complete to the following languages :
- French : 100%
- Italian : 70%
- Spanish : 70%
- Dutch : 1% ()
If you want to add a translation in your own language it's now more easy. In the left side menu, there's a link name "Translation" which give access to a translation plateforme to contribute to the translation of Videoporama.
Two possibilities to help :
- Time assistance (Correct a mistake for example) : In this case, you can just make a suggestion of translation on the sentence to correct (after selecting the wanted language and the sentence to correct in the list).
- Maintain a specific translation file : In this case, contact us (by mail or by the forum). An access login and a password will be send you to access in read write mode the translations files. You'll be able to manage the suggestion made by visitor to accept or reject it.
How to add a new language in the translation plateform ?
Very simple ... contact us by mail or via the forum. The wanted language will be added as soon as possible.
How to use the translations file available on the translation plateform and add it to Videoporama ?
Unfortunatelly, it's less easy. At first, the translation plateform is made for translation file from GNU Gettext. But, Videoporama use the translation file format from Qt. It's possible to convert the translation file from GNU Gettext to translation file usable by Qt. For that, you have to use the software QtLinguist develop by Qt (Free software available freely for all main plateforms).
The .qm file must have a name in that structure : videoporama_fr.qm or fr is the language code (Here fr = french). The .qm file must be copied in the directory /locale/ located in the installation directory of Videoporama.
At next start of Videoporama, the interface will be in the new language (only if the locale of the OS is this language).